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Requests to Allxon API

This section describes the elements that make up an API request:

API Regional Domains

HTTP Method

Currently, Allxon API supports the following methods

  • GET
  • POST
  • PUT

If you request an unsuppoted method, you will see an error response with status code 405.

Requests Headers

The headers here are required in every request with Allxon API. If the headers are incomplete, you will see an error response with status code 401.


Allxon API only supports application/json. When making a request, you should pass an Accept header with a value of application/json, for example:

Accept: application/json


Allxon API only supports gzip. When making a request, you must pass the Accept-Encoding header with a value of gzip, for example:

Accept-Encoding: gzip


Allxon API only supports application/json. When making a request, you must pass the Content-Type header with a value of application/json, for example:

Content-Type: application/json


Allxon API only supports Allxon Signature Version 1(ALLXON-SIG1) for authentication. When making a request, you must pass the Authorization header in the format below:

Authorization: ALLXON-SIG1 Credential="ApiKeyID",Signature="Signature"

See API Authorization for more detail.


The UTC timestamp in number of milliseconds. It's needed for calculating the signature in the Authorization header. Upon receiving a request, the server will validate the value of X-Allxon-Epoch within a 10 minute window. When making a request, you must pass the X-Allxon-Epoch header with the format below:

X-Allxon-Epoch: 1708954065872

Allxon API response

Response Headers

These headers are included the header in every response from Allxon API.


Allxon API always uses the value gzip in response, for example:

Content-Encoding: gzip


Allxon API always uses the value application/json in response, for example:

Content-Type: application/json

The value for the X-Request-ID is a random token which is unique per HTTP request. A UUID 4 string is used as the identifier, for example:

X-Request-ID: 0535ae17-3bb1-4b07-aa07-a25b831e5979

The maximum number of requests that you can make per hour, for example:

X-Ratelimit-Limit: 1000

The number of requests remaining in the current rate-limit window, for example:

X-Ratelimit-Remaining: 900

The epoch time, in seconds, at which the current rate-limit window resets. For example:

X-Ratelimit-Reset: 1714726743

Response HTTP Status Codes

Allxon API uses HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of an API request. In general:

  • 2xx: Indicate success, different per API endpoint
  • 4xx: Indicate a client errors that occur due to invalid or incomplete information in the request
  • 5xx: Indicate an error with the server

The response body for 4xx error codes will be formatted as follows:

"code": "E403-1",
"message": "The failed reason"

HTTP Status Code Summary

200The request has completed successfully
202The request has been submitted and will be processed in the background
400The request contains invalid or incomplete information
401The request does not contain a valid API key
403The API key does not have permissions to perform the request
404The requested resource does not exist
405The requested method is not supported
409The requested resource already exists
429The number of requests have exceeded the rate limits
500Something went wrong on server