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API Key Introduction

Allxon API uses an API key to authenticate each request. You can view and manage API keys in the Allxon Portal.

There is a one-to-one relationship between the ApiKeyID and the ApiSecret.


"ApiKeyID": "ApiSecret"

Secure Your ApiSecret

Your ApiSecret must be treated like password. To keep your integration secure, never store the secret in your source code or commit it in version control. Instead, use a password manager or deployment system to provide the secret.

Every request in Allxon API must contain an authorization that generated by API key and must be made over HTTPS.

Authenticating Requests

Your authorization must be included in the Authorization header of every request.

The following is an example of the Authorization header value:

Authorization: ALLXON-SIG1 Credential="ApiKeyID",Signature="request signature"

The following table describes the various components of the Authorization header value:

  • ALLXON-SIG1: The algorithm that was used to calculate the signature. You must provide this value when you use Allxon Signature version 1 for authentication. The ALLXON-SIG1 specifies Allxon Signature version 1.
  • Credential: Your API key's ApiKeyID.
  • Signature: A hex encoded form of the SHA-256 hash. That can be generated from your API key.

Signature Generation

Each API request must include a signature. Use your ApiSecret to derive a signing key, and then calculate a signature.

The following code snippet illustrates the general process of computing a signature:

SigningKey = Hex(HMAC-SHA256("<ApiSecret>", STR(FLOOR(<X-Allxon-Epoch> / 3600000))))

Signature = Hex(HMAC-SHA256("<SigningKey>", "<HTTPMethod>" + "<EndpointPathWithSearch>" + "<X-Allxon-Epoch>"))

Here is the noun in the code snippet

  • X-Allxon-Epoch: The timestamp in milliseconds, as in the request header.
  • HMAC-SHA256(): Computes HMAC by using the SHA256 algorithm with the signing key provided.
  • FLOOR(): Rounds and returns the largest integer less than or equal to a given number.
  • STR(): Converts the specified value into a string.
  • Hex(): Lowercase base-16 encoding.
  • HTTPMethod: Your request HTTP method.
  • EndpointPathWithSearch: The API endpoint path and string to be searched for, ex: /path?search=xxx

Step By Step

Example values:

  • ApiSecret is EPqeEGVcYf6Zpo+6yCqHeoYJSrnDykc9gPShOA==
  • X-Allxon-Epoch current epoch timestamp in milliseconds is 1708954065872.
Derive the Signing Key
SigningKey = Hex(
STR(FLOOR(1708954065872 / 3600000))
= "9e73a5982eb5a38cb36830773eb92d0d12cbece741a9c95cdab678f1971eb58d"
Calculate the Signature
Signature = Hex(
= "77d0a82a06cf01f53fc0d4e2273fc97f876041310790625533de79198ca90379"
Set the Authorization Header
Authorization: ALLXON-SIG1 Credential="APIAEXAMPLEKEYID",Signature="77d0a82a06cf01f53fc0d4e2273fc97f876041310790625533de79198ca90379"